The Tribulation
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The Great Divorce
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The Fascinating Theological and Esoteric Literary Works Of Dr. Scott McQuate
If you are a Truth-Seeker who has been disappointed with what you've found thus far, you're in the right place. The information you'll find here in the fascinating works written by Dr. Scott McQuate, has been painstakingly researched and compiled over 30 years. Through tens of thousands of hours of in-depth research using powerful, unique and highly-elucidating methods of exegesis, Dr. McQuate has uncovered extraordinary, secret truth that has been hidden, intentionally, for millennia.
In the beginning...the truth was whole. It was complete, unbroken and widely known. In the ancient past, it was shattered and scattered, like the pieces of a beautiful puzzle by those who could only rule by lies. But we are promised in Mark 4:22 - 'There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and everything hidden will come to light.' Dr. McQuate has proven thousands of times (and his students and readers agree) that what he's uncovered is a fulfillment of that promise.
What would you think if you were told, more than once, by reliable sources, that 'you would hold the key to unlock things that no one else could unlock and would uncover things that no one else had ever uncovered'? Well, this happened to Dr. McQuate as a young man. Since then, he has done exactly that and has discovered that the Bible is a repository of extraordinary, secret truth that has been locked inside of the 'Word'...which is not what people have been told. Buckle up!
Hermeneutics: The study of how to interpret meaning.
Exegesis: The practice of interpreting meaning.
These are methods traditionally taught within seminaries and Bible colleges and are largely responsible for the fragmentation of Christianity. Ironically, they have also prevented the truth from being known. You will not find these methods used within Dr. McQuate's works. His works are the result of proper translation which is why they convey the truth, which always corroborates itself.
Eisegesis: The interpretation of texts according to personal agendas or biases.
Dr. McQuate does not allow personal biases or agendas to influence his conclusions. He is interested only in the truth which has fueled his passion for finding it. As you'll quickly see, his conclusions are only based on the accurate translation of the texts within a proper context. Any honest person who reads his works outside of a religious or doctrinal bias or agenda, will know this is true.
The world is in more confusion than ever before in history. Yet religion is bigger than ever. Do you see a contradiction? This is because religion, by any name, does not provide the viable, truthful answers the world needs. Within Dr. McQuate's works you will find real answers to the questions that religion cannot answer, honestly. Watch this short video to learn how these incredible works can help you navigate these tumultuous times. Truth is literally medicine and the vast majority of the truth you will find within these works is not available from any other source. Literally.
...that the most ancient Cuneiform tablets, long pre-dating the Biblical texts, actually give details about ufo's, orbs and drones and their direct connection to mankind and an event known within Christianity as the Rapture? That's right, it's not a myth from the Bible. But, it will not happen as Christians think...or to whom.
...also give amazing details, although in a very shrouded manner, about many other highly-important topics that have never had more relevance than they do right now, at this extraordinary time in history. This is why those details are available through Dr. McQuate's works, right now. There may be other sources of these secrets but if there are, neither Dr. McQuate nor his readers have found it.
...The Great Tribulation, Aliens, the Genetic Manipulation of DNA in Genesis, the Holy Grail, the Great Pyramid, Planet X and its purpose, the secret meaning of the letters YHWH, the real definition of the term Apocalypse, its effect on genetics, how it will happen and much more; information unknown to scholars.
...that are being fulfilled right now, under the noses of the unwitting masses; and the religious leaders of our world are all looking the other way, expecting something else. This is because they've all been fooled by theological lies and political magicians who run the world. If learning the truth and acquiring real answers to mysterious global events and ancient prophecies that have eluded even the best scholars interests you, you're in the right place. Enjoy!
If you want to get your hands on these one-of-a-kind works and you're the kind of person that enjoys having an actual book in your hand that doesn't rely on a computer, e-reader or phone, then this is the package for you. You will have all 16 of Dr. McQuate's fascinating works mailed to your door and can flip every physical page to your heart's content as you learn fascinating truth that the world has never known until now...quite literally. Buying the paperbound books separately would cost $479 but when you purchase the entire package today, you will save $50 by paying only $429 and will receive free shipping (inside the contiguous U.S. only.) Click the button below to purchase your paperbound package and save $50 now!
It's never been more convenient to take this extraordinary package of amazing knowledge with you, and learn ancient secrets, wherever you go! If you enjoy having digital data at your fingertips and prefer eBooks over paper bounds, then you'll be glad to know that Dr. McQuate's books can be purchased in a handy PDF format to view on any of your devices. You will receive a download link that will allow you to view each of Dr. McQuate's works on your device of choice. (Just be sure that it can read PDF files.) Purchased separately, the eBooks would cost $399. When you purchase them at the discounted rate today, you'll pay only $349 and save $50! Click the button below to purchase your eBook package and save $50 now!
Dr. McQuate engages in exegesis nearly everyday. He's written 16 books and more than 80 articles which can be read at his private social network www.InnerCircle.us The Cuneiform cipher that Dr. McQuate discovered has enabled him to unlock thousands of mysteries in the Bible, revealing secrets that have never been known before now. When he's not working on a new book, doing exegesis or teaching his students, he enjoys going on exploratory adventures with his best buddy, Scout. Dr. McQuate hopes that you enjoy the books and find them to be a blessed companion on your journey into the truth.
To quote a famous Pastor of a mega church, who was one of Dr. McQuate's students, 'It's undeniable that what you've been teaching me and what I've read in your books is true, Dr. McQuate. I just have some soul-searching to do.' He knew that what he had been teaching for over 20 years was not true, even though it was doctrinally-correct. When you learn the truth, which is what Christ taught and what Dr. McQuate teaches, it will change your life...if you let it. The truth has been hidden for millennia but we were promised that it would be revealed at a time in the future. That time is now and Dr. McQuate has proven it thousands of times. Book a live 1-hr session with Dr. McQuate no matter how much or how little knowledge you have of the scripture or ancient texts and you can rest assured that you'll be blown away by what you learn.