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The Paperbound Format includes all of the materials below including Thirteen Bonuses. These bonuses include Dr. McQuate’s papers entitled Who Is Really Ruling America: A Brief Speculation On Ancient Genetic Manipulation And Fraud and Secrets To Uncovering The Ancient Hidden Mysteries: How I Do Exegesis To Uncover The Truth. You will also receive an Ancient Ebook Collection totalling more than 4,000 pages comprised of The ApocryphaThe Dead Sea ScrollsThe Dead Sea Scrolls UncoveredThe Complete Exhibit of the Dead Sea ScrollsThe KoranThe Egyptian Book of the Dead (from which the 10 Commandments were derived) an electronic version of the 400-page Biblical Law Course and more, including a pdf version of the 159-page Sumerian Lexicon!

The Paperbound Format includes all of the materials below including Thirteen Bonuses. These bonuses include Dr. McQuate’s papers entitled Who Is Really Ruling America: A Brief Speculation On Ancient Genetic Manipulation And Fraud and Secrets To Uncovering The Ancient Hidden Mysteries: How I Do Exegesis To Uncover The Truth. You will also receive an Ancient Ebook Collection totalling more than 4,000 pages comprised of The ApocryphaThe Dead Sea ScrollsThe Dead Sea Scrolls UncoveredThe Complete Exhibit of the Dead Sea ScrollsThe KoranThe Egyptian Book of the Dead (from which the 10 Commandments were derived) an electronic version of the 400-page Biblical Law Course and more, including a pdf version of the 159-page Sumerian Lexicon!

But now, for a limited time you can have them all on one convenient USB Flash Drive

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A.  A copy of Dr. McQuate’s DVD version of The Red Dragon And The Sheep! Nearly an hour long, this classic work will make an exceptional addition to any collection.
B.  A Condensed, 2-CD, 2-Hour audio version of his book The Tribulation to listen to on any CD player and,
C.  A 1-Hour audio CD of his book The Secret Rapture!
D.  A CD version of Dr. McQuate’s book Christianity vs Islam
E.  An awe-inspiring 4-hour, 4 CD version of Dr. McQuate’s highly-acclaimed work Pyranosis

To take advantage of either of these limited-time-offers, simply click the corresponding button below and we will rush your materials to you right away. Don’t miss out on this exclusive offer from Paxeon Publishing. Order either your electronic versions on a USB flash drive or your paperbound versions, each with the related bonuses, for many hours of exhilarating reading material. Add these amazing works to your collection today and learn the fascinating secrets Dr. McQuate has uncovered from the ancient texts that are not available from any other source!

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