The Tribulation

(4 customer reviews)


The Great Tribulation is a topic of great interest to millions of Christians around the world, but should be of interest to everyone despite their religious affiliations or lack thereof, as this soon-to-come epic event will forever change the face of the entire world. If you’ve ever wondered about The Tribulation but haven’t found suitable answers, you’re not alone. You’ll wonder no more once you read The Tribulation by Dr. Scott McQuate. In this book Dr. Scott McQuate shows how, for centuries scholars and theologians have taught misleading doctrines that were forged in Babylon more than twenty six hundred years ago by those referred to in Jeremiah 8:8 as the “Lying Scribes” and how these false doctrines have adulterated the world’s understanding of what the book of Matthew states will be the most catastrophic and chaotic event that the world has ever experienced. One example of what Dr. McQuate reveals in this book by rightly-dividing the Word and by using proper techniques of exegesis, is in chapter 22 entitled ‘The Truth About The Mark’. In this chapter (written in 2010), Dr. McQuate foretold that the ‘Mark of the Beast’ would literally be something ‘Inserted Into The Body That Replaced RNA’. It was more than ten years later that Doctors and Scientists discovered that the shot was not a traditional vaccine but was indeed, just as Dr. McQuate warned, ‘RNA Replacement’ technology. This is yet another example within Dr. McQuate’s works of how ‘Science Always Catches Up With The Rightly-Divided Word’. Not Vise Versa. Get this book today and gain even more insight that no other Pastor, Theologian or Biblical Scholar can provide. You will learn the never-before-seen connection of the Great Pyramid, the Garden in Eden, a recently-discovered stone hive, a secret planet, the the return of Christ and your DNA to the imminent and epic event known as The Great Tribulation. Called ‘The most important book ever written about the End Times’ and now read in more than 60 countries, this prophetic, fascinating and highly-acclaimed book by Dr. Scott McQuate is one that you will not soon forget!

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4 reviews for The Tribulation

  1. Diana Hay

    I’ve bought this book so many times I’ve lost count! I loan it out and it never comes back! It’s so incredibly excellent. Dr. McQuate breaks down biblical mysteries with exegesis skills without compare. If you are interested in THE TRUTH, you must read this book!

  2. Chris

    This book is incredible and covers a lot of information about the End Times and clears up so many questions I have had in the past. The way Dr. McQuate breaks these words down into the logograms of the Sumerian Cuneiform truly does exemplify the hidden knowledge that was sealed up in the book of Daniel Chapter 12 verse 4. He really goes into detail about the ancient meaning of the word Tri(bul)ation. If you want to learn about the Planet X System, Nibiru, DNA, Big Foot Creatures and their true identity, The ones called The Watchers, The true meaning of the leaves from the Parable of the Fig tree in Matthew 24, What the Mark of the Beast is really a reference to in the right hand and forehead, The True definition Of Sin, Re(Penta)nce and so much more, this book is going to open your eyes. I believe it should be in the hands of every person who truly wants to know the Truth and just like Jesus said, It Is The Truth And Only The Truth, not the false doctrines or religions of Man, that will set Us Free!

  3. Linda Cooper

    5 stars isn’t near enough for this book. 😊 EXCELLENT! EXTRAORDINARY!
    Every time I read this (you will want to read it over and over I promise ) I understand more because its so loaded it is a must read if you dare to discover the TRUTH !!!!!

  4. Michael C

    Are u someone who has a deep interest in the end times and the event called the Tribulation? Then you need to read this epic book which explains in detail hidden truth about the Tri-bul- ation which the world has never known until now. Read this life changing book today and take ur self into a mind blowing trip down the rabbit hole and discover ancient hidden knowledge about hidden destructions of earth, who is behind these destructions, secrets about our DNA, discover what the Hermesuylisis is and how it is connected to mankind and many many more facts which have been hidden for thousands of years. An unforgettable read mind is officially blown.

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